The Uneon Insider

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Note To Self

Who am I? Am I African. Am I American? Am I the ultra-hybrid African-American, or am I truly none of these. The answer is simple. I'm me. I'm not special, just unique. I'm not good at everything I do, I'm just multi-talented. And last but not least, I'm not wise... just honest. And after freshman year I thought I knew. I thought I knew for sure who I was. And then, sophomore year took a left turn for disaster. Yet, only for a moment. When I realized that inside myself was this dancer and this fratboy I began to really doubt who I decided I was. No. A fool I was, and in that moment of aesthetic idiocy or poetic lunacy... I thought I had lost myself. I didn't. Instead, I progressed. You see, when a person finds himself the next thing he searches for is his home. Where do I belong? This is why I chose one dance group over the other, and this is why I felt the need to join a frat. I see now how much of a fool I was. Today, I depledged only because I felt I was doing it to prove something. I did it because it was what my friends wanted. A foolish and childish reason to do anything. Deep down, it was not what I wanted. On this journey of self discovery I know who I am in terms of morals and values... the next step is figuring out who I am in terms of community and family. I enjoy dancing in Sheba. Frats are just not my thing. That's all there is to it. I'm still learning, and I'm proud of my decision. I'm a happier person for it. The world was beautiful today. I had forgotten, because my mind was occupied by life's burdens. No more, I will continue my journey... Ask me. I dare you to ask me what the meaning of life is. It's simple, ask me and I'll say "The meaning of life is balance. "


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