The Uneon Insider

Saturday, March 11, 2006

The New Artist

Medicine is evil, because people become dependant on it and I have a personal story related to that, but I will not share, because (a. i'm rambling) and (b.) I promised these blogs won't be as personal. Anyways... this blog has nothing to do with that and now I will begin to ramble about my new appreciation of poetry. I consider myself an artist in many ways (and no, not like your stereotypical 'life is pain' artist with a dead pan voice, long hair, and a scarf... but a revolutionary artist of sorts, a new artist). So I sing, I dance, I draw, etc, etc, etc, whatever... but then I realized I loved words, and I loved the way they sound. And fiction is great, but honestly, you cannot play with words. And then... then I discovered poetry. Now poetry, well, let's put it this way, I thought poetry was for the stereotypical artist. Poems were an effort to put all their suicidal feelings and existential philosophical views into words people could relate to (though I don't see why anyone would want to relate)... but I realized there's so much more to poetry. It's not a simple excuse to make things rhyme, to relay your deep personal feelings, but it's also an opportunity to really play on words. Playing with the structure (and that's the word that fascinates me the most... structure) allows you to create something interesting, that's fun to read, and fun to hear. And so I guess I'll start writing poetry now, it actually takes skill. A lot more skill than I realized. And besides, it's just another thing to add to my laundry list of performance skills. Perhaps I'll pick up instrument playing, drums are nice.


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