The Uneon Insider

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

A Small update on Life

I'd like to take this time to update you guys on comics, games, movies, and uh... life... I guess. SO here goes. No no no, wait. Before I do that, can I say how excited I am for Smallville. My favorite episode last season was the one Flash appeared in. I think the rival episode would be the episode where Chloe finds out about Clark's powers. You see, Chloe is an absolutely nosy reporter who only cares about the story. She also has this huge thing for Clark. After four seasons of being left in the blue, someone finally fills her in. Now before, our token black guy (Pete) knew the secret, but that proved to be useless. At least Chloe makes things interesting. I'm really excited for this upcoming season because Clark finds the ice place we see in the movies. Aquaman and Braniac (played by Spike from buffy) also make their debut. I can't wait.

Comics (SPOILERS): Ultimate Spider-man's new girlfriend IS... Kitty Pryde! And I'm all for it. Ultimate Mary Jane just doesn't know how to stay out of trouble and at this point, Kitty seems so perfect for Peter. She won't get thrown off a bridge by a big old mean goblin, oh know she won't. She's intangible! And because of her experience with the X-Men... she's a pretty good fighter. Not to mention, her pairing with Bobby Drake (Iceman) in Ultimate X-Men was so annoying. Bobby liked Rogue, she liked Bobby and kisses him, gets punched in the face by Rogue, Rogue leaves with gambit, Bobby's builds ice sculptures of Rogue... it's an ice cold mess. I'm glad Kitty is with Peter, Bobby is too dramatic and kind of a loser. In the Ultimate X-Men annual, they kill off yet another character. What is with these writers? First Gwen Stacy (the girl that made the whole Peter-MJ thing interesting)! Then Beast (who fell in the same type of accident twice, first time turned blue and second time died)! And now... I won't say. But the issues about Gambit, Rogue, and Juggernaut. Pick and choose who you think... I'm moving on.

Games: So far there's rumors that Wolverine and Human Torch will both make cameos in Ultimate Spider-man. This is exciting. There are a couple of characters making their debut including Ultimate Beetle and Ultimate Silver Sable. Fun stuff. It'll be cool to explore queens, but it will also be amazing to see the Triskelion and iconic comic buildings. In Prince of Persia 3 news, Farah (the girl from the first game) will be back and better than ever. The dark prince now has a redesign, and looks more sand creature-ish... Marvel Nemesis looks amazing with a marvel roster of Wolverine, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Daredevil, Elektra, VENOM, MAGNETO, STORM!!!, The Thing, and the Human Torch. There are also the imperfects, but the only imperfect I'm excited about is The Wink, and that's because she has Nightcrawler's ability to teleport. Matrix:Path of Neo is looking good as well. The first level you play is the lobby scene, and it serves as two things. A dream scene of sorts, but also the deciding factor for the rest of the game. Do extremely well and the game will be set on hard. Suck and the game will be set on easy. Did I mention they don't tell you the controls. Afterwards you begin from the very first part of Matrix Trilogy and play through all three movies. There's NEW footage and a NEW ending. I think this could be the matrix game we've been waiting for.

Movies: X3 is well underway with everyone returning with the exception of Nightcrawler. And that sux and blows. But to make up for it we have the Beast, Gambit, and Kitty Pryde. There will also be a lot more mutants this time around. Story is still on the hush. Superman is also well on the way, there was some footage at the last Comic Convention, but nothing too new. In the Spider-man 3 rumor mill, there are a couple of villains being tossed around including Chameleon, Sandman, Lizard, and Venom??? I'll keep you posted. But for now, time to go play worms. One of these days, I'm gonna have to rant about that game. Laterz...


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