A Sky High Inspiration
Just came from seeing Sky High. Fun in its own way and another good disney movie. I enjoyed it. My favorite part, was the powers. They were just very fun to see. So I've decided to create a team of superhero misfits called Cast Aside. My goal is to come up with some truly inventive abilities. Most of these abilities will seem downright quirky and outrageous, but hey the powers is not the only fun part. These people, a truly diverse group of young adults will be an amazing sight to behold not because of their powers but how they deal with each other, the society, and being superhero outcasts. They're like mutants, but instead of being mutant to humankind, their mutant to superheroes. They have seemingly useless abilities that only seem to make sense when they work together. It's about powers and people. It's about family and isolation. I'm just gonna love writing this. Who knows, maybe it might be a comic or a movie one day. Either way, I can't wait. There are 9 of them, 10 if you include the leader. They each have their backstories, unique talents, and attitudes. See you soon.
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