The Uneon Insider

Monday, August 08, 2005

Cellie on the Run

Before I get into the point of this post I will first talk about the movie Cellular starring our beloved Human Torch, the Transporter, and that Bassinger lady. This movie picks right up and gives you one of the most adrenaline pumped chases I've seen in a full 2 hour movie. It's a really good summer flick and I recommend anyone watch it. Chris Evans is a great character and you see why he was chosen to be the utterly fantastic johnny storm. Kim Bassinger is beyond believable and that Transporter guy, whatever his name is, plays his villainous role well enough. The movie is pure fun, so go see it.

Now, something has been bothering me. Fear. We are all afraid of something. The first obvious thing to do when you're scared is to run. And I've found myself doing that a lot lately. If I'm in a problem I can't solve, I immediately want to run. Problems at home, I want to run to school. Problems at school, I want to run home. Always running. Why? I've figured it out, I'm afraid that I will be defenseless, vulnerable, unable to do anything about it. I'm afraid I won't be strong enough, fast enough, or even smart enough. And that's why I run. My fear is weakness. And now I feel that attempting to conquer this fear will do nothing but corrupt me or hurt me. Dilemma. Run or fight it, knowing very well I might lose?


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