The Uneon Insider

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Teenage melodrama

"I'm hungry," I told myself. Fasting was the one reoccurring thought through my mind. The constant complaint. The nagging to myself. No one could hear, but me. I annoyed myself.

Claire Bennet said that feeling pain was the only time she felt human, the only time she felt alive.

I just feel hungry. Not alive. Am I just going through the motions?

Teenage love affair

"Everything's good," I told her. My distance was simply a way of getting close without getting hurt. The constant complaint. The convincing myself. No one could hear, but me. I depressed myself.

Alicia Keys could not wait to get home to dial his number.

I just feel sad. Many numbers. Have I already forgotten?

Teenage wolf

"Moment wasted is time wasted," I wrote. The story was becoming forgotten. The constant complaint. Selling, with buyers and no product. No one could hear, but me. I tricked myself.

Michael J. Fox danced. So did I.

I danced, but needed space. Non-committed. Am I empty?

Teen age

Am I lost?

What's wrong with this game Will Smith? Let me know the found.

Obscurity. Adolescence. Stranger. Integral. Simple.




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